Entrepreneurship Software

What you need to know about the “product owner” role in agile scrum app development

Before you dive headfirst into a software development project, it’s important to keep a few things in mind when you’re working with an external partner. Software projects not only need engagement from a development team, but also from you, the so-called product owner.

Product owners are the main points of contact on the client side. They direct development, give feedback and can make application development run smoothly. If you find yourself in the product owner role, be ready to devote time for planning, analyzing, and discussing the product roadmap with your development team. 

Hiring a development team

A client should take time to hammer out many of the aspects of a product before the project starts. First of all, he has to look for a professional software provider. It may be tempting to race to the bottom on price, but balancing price and quality is a key consideration. If you don’t have internal programming resources already, you’ll need to spend some time looking for the right provider. Finding the best delivery partner can be time-consuming and needs a lot of effort. And that’s only the first step.

Legalities and a product brief

Once you’ve found a perfect development partner, the next step is to negotiate all the legalities and sign a contract. It also needs effort on the client’s site.  You need to determine the project scope, define the application’s features, and describe the expected result. Here’s our guide on how to get an accurate cost estimate and to allow the IT team to understand how the application should work and what features it has to cover.

Defining the application’s scope and estimate

Clients describe their vision in many different ways. Some of them compare their idea to some tools that already exist on the market and have similar features.  It’s very common for clients to have an app in mind that they’d like us to emulate. For us, it’s a nice way to get the first feeling of a solution we’ll build. In the second stage, we ask additional questions to get a more detailed understanding of an idea and its full range.

Some clients already have examples of the mock-ups or even sketches of their preliminary idea. They prepare information about the business value and show how the future product will support the vision.

It’s very helpful for the product owner and the development team to agree on as much detail as possible before a project starts.  But without a technology background and project experience, it’s not easy for many clients to define the detailed product vision. That’s why we offer our clients product design workshops as the first step of work on the application. These workshops clarify all product details in its technology and business aspects. We advise on features to be chosen for an MVP, define usability that meets target groups needs, and prepare an application prototype which very often is necessary to convince investors/sponsors to support a project.

In our workshops, we spend a few days together discussing the vision of the project about the features of some use cases about the business itself.  So there is a moment in which the client should teach us about his vision should convey to us as much information as possible here in order for us to understand the project and to estimate it. So that’s a lot of effort and our clients really need to allocate some time to determine all the details and the common point of view relevant the product and its vision.

We need to ask a lot of questions to digest the information that we learned and come back with follow-up questions. We engage clients in this somewhat intensive process. While it sometimes takes quite a long time, the finished product will be what you want. In order to get professional service, you’ll have to set aside time to get everything right.

Workshop preparation for application development project

Once you decide on taking the product design workshop, here’s what you should expect.  So, in case of meeting with one person which represents the whole company, he should be well prepared. He must have knowledge both from the business and technology side. It is really important if the person is meeting us only alone in person or if it’s a kind of company project where there are more stakeholders.

Understanding all sides of the project and achieving all the knowledge needed could be very time-consuming. The whole team needs to meet together in the same room for a few hours, clearly defining the future product functionality cannot be overestimated.

What you need to know about the "product owner" role in agile scrum app development

Product owner role

We work in the scrum methodology, so we have to choose a person who will be responsible for the application development project. We don’t usually allocate the product owner on our side. Scrum assumes that there is a development team, but there is also the role of a product owner who is in charge of deciding which features are in the system. He or she has to know everything about the product and answer any questions about how developers should implement features. The product owner is able to respond to all questions about the product, system and also business background.

It’s better for the clients to have a person on their side who has a very strong industry background and a great understanding of the client’s business niche. Working as a delivery team we can perfectly recommend the technology, UX, and many other aspects but at the beginning, we need to acquire the domain knowledge from the client’s business.

A product owner must answer questions that arise throughout the project. He or she needs to respond quickly enough not to create a bottleneck. In order to avoid sending a single question, we organize so-called backlog groomings or backlog refinements. These are meetings where the goal is to explain the backlog to the team and discuss with the development team all the upcoming tasks trying to find out all these questions before we start the implementation of a given feature. This kind of meeting usually lasts much longer at the beginning of the project and then we keep these meetings regularly every week or every two weeks depends on the length of the sprint just to refine the next stories on the list. This way can be on the right track with all client’s needs with the minimum effort from the client’s side to run the project on time and within budget.

One example here is our project for The Guardian Soulmates app. The company had a dedicated business owner in London who took care of the business. She also set the roadmap for the system in terms of business and discussed priorities and features with us. All the process is led over Slack — both sites are this way very responsive and the communication was quick and efficient. We run planning sessions together and groomings to set up what should be done in the next sprints.

Product owner engagement as a success factor in an application development project

Of course, there are clients who do not want to engage so much in the project. They just want to write down specifications then want the software provider to learn and understand their business enough to ask all the questions that appear during the development process.

We try to discourage clients from that kind of approach, but if there is still a need on the client’s side to pass us the product owner role, we try to adjust and prepare for the role as much as we can. Then we only need a contact person on the company’s side to decide about the next step of the project. That is why we always try to encourage our clients to consider this team spirit type of arrangement and be ready for some serious involvement on their side.


As you start your software development project, be sure to prepare to work with your software development team to get the best possible outcome. Do your research and hire a software partner that will be open and honest with you and who has a history of excellent work. Assign a product owner who knows the ins and outs of the project and is ready to work closely with developers. Devote time and effort to get everything in order and finally, take the plunge.


Our top 6 most popular posts in 2019

In these last few days of 2019, it’s time to take stock of the year and look ahead to the next. We’d like to share the top six most popular articles in 2019 and thank you for visiting us and reading. We’re looking forward to 2020 and another year of insights to share with you. Happy New Year from the Espeo team, we’ll see you in 2020.

Our top 6 most popular articles in 2019

Table of contents:

  1. 6 software technologies that will dominate 2020
  2. 30 Angular and TS tricks and tips that will improve your application
  3. Data visualization in web and mobile apps: The best examples of data visualization
  4. App Security: Why is it worth it to implement JWT based authentication in your app?
  5. The best ways to measure mobile app success
  6. React Native guide: Key takeaways to get you started

1. 6 software technologies that will dominate 2020

This roundup of the most popular technologies in 2020 was by far the most popular article we published. it delves into how technologies such as narrow artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and distributed cloud. These are just a few of the tech innovations to watch as we enter the next decade.


2. 30 Angular and TS tricks and tips that will improve your application

In this technical article, we offered a step-by-step guide to improving your application. it’s a helpful guide to improving your development projects, making it much more straightforward and less resource-intensive.


3. Data visualization in web and mobile apps: The best examples of data visualization

Rather than peering at details, data visualization lets us comprehend the substance of our data, and we’re smarter because of it. In this article, we walked through the best practices and present the best data visualization examples that improve user engagement and increase conversion rates. By the end of it, you’ll have a better understanding of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to data visualization for mobile apps.


4. App Security: Why is it worth it to implement JWT based authentication in your app?

App speed and security are of huge importance. Our main goal aligned with our customer’s goal is to deliver a satisfactory product as quickly as possible and within budget. There are a number of practices, recommendations and even proposals on how to run projects, but implementation details are extremely important — small changes that allow us to write competitive applications.


5. The best ways to measure mobile app success

After creating an awesome mobile app, the next thing is to measure its performance. This comes after your app has been listed in app stores and is downloaded by the target audience. Even if the target audience responds positively, you still need to assess the App against the industrial standards of Key Performance Indicators. It is important as it helps you track the performance as well as continuously improve your app, hence generate more revenue.


6. React Native guide: Key takeaways to get you started

In this technical guide, React developer Grzegorz Olejniczak dive into React Native. This rapidly growing framework from the Facebook team allows you to develop fully-featured, cross-platform native apps with JavaScript. The biggest advantage to the programming language, he says is that it saves programmers time. As a result, it drives down the cost to develop custom mobile applications. Moreover, if you’re already familiar with React.js, Facebook’s library for web application development, you’ll find it easy to use. It uses the same component approach and mostly the same tools. This React Native guide is to give an overview of how to start developing in this language. It’s not a bad idea to acquaint yourself with native languages but it’s not necessary to start.


Here were the top five most popular posts in 2019. Thanks again for reading the blog. If there’s anything you’d like us to cover in 2020, let us know in the comments! Happy New Year from us!

Blockchain Software Technology

6 software technologies that will dominate 2020

2019 is rapidly coming to an end. It’s time to sum up this year’s achievements and to look ahead. Narrow Artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and distributed cloud are just a few of the tech innovations to watch as we enter the next decade. Here’s a brief summary of Gartner’s 2020 tech trends report combined with our software development experts’ predictions for which software technologies will dominate the 2020s.

6 software technologies that will dominate 2020

Table of contents:

  1. Multiexperience
  2. Digital twins technology driven by IoT
  3. Distributed cloud
  4. Event-Driven Applications
  5. Blockchain
  6. Progressive web Apps

1. Multiexperience 

Improvements in wearables and advanced computer sensors are paving the way for the emergence of multiexperience, fully-immersive technology. Traditional ideas of the computer will expand to include new, varied touchpoints. This, of course, will greatly increase the demand for mobile development as firms rush to compete on better, more immersive apps.

Gartner cites Domino’s Pizza, who rolled out an ordering app that combines autonomous vehicles, smart speaker communications, and tracking sensors. The growing popularity of wearable technology is driving development in this field. Greater connectivity and improved user experience will attract more users.

Currently, multiexperience apps use augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality to deliver ever more immersive experiences. As consumers demand more and more sophisticated applications, businesses will have to keep up and deliver more ambient experiences.

digital twins

Time and time again companies have trusted us as a software development provider. Read more about some of our projects and find out why.


2. Digital twins technology driven by IoT

Internet of things is an area where the so-called digital twins concept evolves fastest. Modern household appliances use a lot of smart components equipped with sensors to gather data about real-time status, working conditions, and alerts. They’re integrated to cloud-based systems to gather data, then process and analyze it.

And here’s how a digital twin is created. It’s a kind of pairing appliance which reflects its real-life counterpart in the digital environment. This virtual model of a product or service allows for the analysis of a huge amount of varied data. In effect, we can deal with problems before they even occur, prevent downtime, develop new functionalities and much more.

The digital twin concept has the widest coverage in such projects as smart cities, real-time navigable models, or health care  – with virtualization of hospital systems for work safety and continuity.

As web & mobile developers, we can also observe that digital twin technology is spreading to the user experience field. Service providers try to get clients to attend their events, for example trades or fashion shows and let customers build their visual twin to become a part of an event. This way they create an extraordinary user experience.

augmented reality

3. Distributed cloud

Distributed cloud systems promise to bring about a new era of cloud computing. These systems distribute public cloud services to several locations outside a provider’s data centers, but the provider still controls them. Cloud providers take care of cloud service architecture, governance, operations, updates, and delivery.

Since data centers can be anywhere, latency and data sovereignty challenges are reduced. Distributed cloud services offer the benefit of a public cloud service with those of a private cloud.

event driven appa

 4. Event-Driven Applications

Gartner predicts that through the 2020s a real-time, event-based approach will be a core required demand for 80% of all digital solutions. It’s crucial for business application development companies to apply “event thinking” to their solution strategy.

Event programming is not a type of technology or programming language. It represents an approach that should be implemented in a product development process. An event-driven application responds to actions generated by the user or the system, for example, mouse clicks or loading a program. From a programming point of view, it’s important to separate event-processing logic from the rest of the coding work.

Technologies like AI or IoT speed up event-driven coding as a useful product development strategy. In general, event-driven apps can improve responsiveness, flexibility and give a better understanding of user experience.


5. Blockchain

2017 was the year of blockchain hype. Now that the hype has died down, it’s time for practical blockchian applications. Gartner was hesitant in its predictions for blockchain but stressed that in specific cases, firms can leverage blockchain technology to improve internal processes and ensure data security. 

Find out more: Espeo Blockchain – blockchain services that can address different business problems

Blockchain is a network of interconnected peer-to-peer devices. This technology provides for the absence of central databases, as well as the lack of clearly defined locations where all data is stored. Use cases here are especially useful to the supply chain and real estate asset management sectors as well as in healthcare data management. Throughout the 2020s, advanced in blockchain technology will improve its usability and enterprise applications. 

software technologies

6. Progressive web Apps

We have to add progressive web applications to Gartner’s software technologies. The growth of web-based solutions is a solid trend we could observe during the current year. It’s no reason to think it’s going to change in the coming decade.

On the contrary, in the long term, it’s more probable that web apps will take a significant slice of market cake from mobile apps, and not vice versa. We believe it, even more, when we hear Google reps talking about focusing on expanding the features of the current browsers to let web applications achieve the same UX level as mobile apps.

Moreover, progressive web apps are easier to develop and maintain than native applications. They combine the best features of the web and mobile apps. What’s more, they make use of the vast web ecosystem, plugins, and community.

See also:

Entrepreneurship Newsroom Software

Espeo Software Oy officially opens in Helsinki, deepening our commitment to the Finnish market

Espeo Software has opened a local LLC in Finland to better serve our long-time clients there and to make it easier than ever to work with us. With more than thirty Finnish clients under our belts, the Nordic country has been among our most valued markets for over a decade. Our local team now has fewer hurdles to jump to work with our Finnish partners. It’s where Espeo was born and we’re returning to our roots. 

Eleven years ago, founders, Paweł and Sylwia Rogowicz launched Espeo Software after studying in Finland and working in several Finnish software houses. They saw an opportunity to connect Polish developers with the urgent IT demands of Finnish startups and enterprises. The work culture they experienced there — one that prizes direct communication and flat management structure continues to influence Espeo everywhere we’re now present. 
Since those early days, Finland has continued to be a major market for Espeo Software and our opening of a local LLC only deepens our commitment to delivering pragmatic digital solutions to Finnish companies in the payments, healthcare, educational technology, and media sectors. This Finnish entity establishes a local technical presence and brings us closer in line with Finnish electronic invoicing while still delivering the same nearshore Polish development team we’ve done for the past eleven years.
Aki Inkeroinen, general manager of Espeo Software Oy pointed out that Finnish companies prefer a local presence in Finland partly to streamline invoicing and partly to be sure that IT partners meet their expectations. It sweetens the deal making working with Espeo more attractive. 
“The basic thing,” said Inkeroinen, “is that we can better serve the Finnish clients that we have and attract others. The key thing is that when we have a local company, we can better cooperate with local partners here in Finland but also we can have electronic invoicing. The expectation with Finnish clients is that we are able to comply with the normal Finnish working model.”
Petri Laaksonen, project manager for Finland coordinates tasks and serves as the point of contact between developers in Poland and Finnish clients. Our local technical presence ensures we meet our client’s standards.
“Finnish companies,” said Inkeroinen, “expect that we open a local company here. For their partnerships with software houses, they have partner morals and they expect the company is local. We have been working with Finnish customers for eleven years, but officially we have not been able to fulfill many of their partnership rules that require a local presence and local company, but now we fulfill this. Finnish companies prefer the ease of electronic invoicing that meets Finnish tax law to invoicing in other jurisdictions. It’s just one more step toward deeper cooperation here.” 
We’re pleased to be returning to our roots in Finland by opening a local LLC there while still connecting Polish tech talent with innovative Finnish firms.