Time&Material (part II) – Neverending story?

You’re considering a Time&Material contract and a cheeky (but not uncommonly asked!) question pops up in your head: wouldn’t it be in the contractor’s interest to prolong the work… endlessly?

And the only answer is: well, no. Not at all.

We’ve helped some companies gain market leadership, so believe us – we know exactly why the answer is no. We wrote about trust a while ago, but if that wasn’t enough, here’s more:

  1. Most companies in the IT Market are looking for long-term cooperation.
  2. We want your business to flourish with the provided solutions.
  3. Along with the development of your business, you’ll discover more technological needs… and then maybe you might need that long-term partnership.
  4. We gain a satisfied client. But that’s a no-brainer.
  5. A happy client equals recommendations – so we grow as well, and expand our client base. A win-win situation!

As you can see, we’re not going to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

Stay tuned! Soon we’ll discuss some of the difficulties with ROI. And, of course, if you have any questions, shoot!

author: Tomasz Liberski

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