When you are searching for a job, the hiring process can seem like torture – but not at Espeo! We have gathered some useful tips to help you understand how the recruitment process works in our company.

Firstly: you don’t have to stress
We have the comfort that we live in a time where progress and evolution are unexpectedly fast. Everything is changing, and so are the recruitment standards in the IT industry. Thank God!
At Espeo, we don’t want to associate the recruitment process with a stressful experience, comparable to a school exam. Moreover, we know the trends and are aware that we have entered the times of the employee’s market, which especially in the IT industry sets the conditions in recruitment processes. The most important element of the recruitment at Espeo is the partnership approach and communication at the highest level. When you apply for a job at Espeo and participate in the meeting, we are talking to each other on a first-name basis. We are also happy to drink a good cup of coffee with you and in a positive atmosphere, you get to know us better. This is how we do it!
Does the ‘perfect’ candidate exist?
When it comes to hiring high-quality talents, we are aware we need to be flexible. For us, the ideal candidate profile does not exist. Of course, for many years we have maintained high standards by hiring the best specialists, and during technical meetings, we ask many inquisitive questions and discuss technical skills. However, we put cultural fit on a par with outstanding technical skills and knowledge. We are committed to keeping the people at Espeo open-minded, giving them the opportunity to grow not only technically but also business-wise. Our people value collaboration strongly, so when selecting the best candidates we make sure they feel comfortable in our teams, have a great understanding with their co-workers, and bring new value to the company. After all, we value ambition, creativity, and hard work more than diplomas and certificates.

I’ve sent my CV, what’s next?
Our first contact with the candidate is a short (about 20 minutes long) phone call, on whose date we agree together beforehand. During this call, you have the opportunity to learn more about the company, the projects we realize, and our vision of cooperation. It is also an ideal opportunity for us to learn more about you, talk about your experience and expectations from your new potential employer. Our HR people make every effort to ensure that the interview is specific but conducted in a very informal and friendly atmosphere.
The most important stage of the recruitment process is the technical interview, conducted by our senior developers. Its structure is determined by matrices created by us for each technology. During the technical interview, they help us verify the necessary knowledge and skills. The matrix points accumulated during the technical meeting allow us to be transparent and fair in making financial offers.
What’s more, the matrices accompany our developers throughout their career at Espeo. They are also the basis for evaluations to higher levels.
The final stage of the recruitment process at Espeo is the soft interview. We try to make it a form of a pleasant conversation about soft competencies essential for us at Espeo. During the soft interview, we talk about areas such as experience in working with clients, working in a particular methodology, and daily tasks. Finally, there comes time for a short conversation in English.
After the technical and soft meeting, we need up to 7 days to decide on cooperation. We try to get back to our candidates with feedback as soon as possible.
After all, we know that people are invaluable assets of our organization!
The article was written by our Senior HR Specialist & Senior IT Recruiter, Adrianna Nowaczyk.