Industrial Internet Solutions: Espeo for eScop

An Industrial Internet project we’re immensely proud to be part of wrapped up yesterday. The focus was service-oriented middleware that allows to build and simulate factory and process control systems. The acronym eScop stands for Embedded systems Service-based Control for Open manufacturing and Process automation.

More than 10 partners, combining business with Research & Development, over 3 years of work… but the results are very rewarding. Researcher Sergii Iarovyi (FAST-Lab., Tampere University of Technology) wrote: For the last few years we have been working to make factory information systems more open and flexible. We hope our solution will bring closer the day when a bright idea for manufacturing will not be dismissed because ”the old solution is still working.” The eScop solution has been summarized in this short video.

Espeo was responsible for the orchestration layer of the project. Below is a brief description of what we did and which technologies we used. It’s based on a presentation Dominik from Espeo delivered at the IoT Technology Day in Turku, Finland. It’s also practical evidence that we know how to provide industrial Internet and Internet of Things solutions: and how advantageous they can be. eScop’s researcher mentioned that ”working with Espeo was a great experience. The developers engaged in honest and direct communication, demonstrated solution-focused thinking and a willingness to see the big picture. Espeo’s developers were a very important factor in the project’s success.”

Naturally, coordinating the work of so many international partners was – at times – a challenge. However, Polish researcher Stanisław Strzelczak pointed out, the roots of good international cooperation always lie in the culture and collaborative attitudes. We sat down for a chat with the eScop team a while ago to discuss the practical side of international projects. If you want to see how we dealt with this huge undertaking – read more!