US Army localization DASH7 protocol for “civil” needs

US Army localization DASH7 protocol for “civil” needs

DASH7 is quite a new localization protocol. Originally it was designed for the needs of US Army, so it must have some special characteristics. Are you still curious? If so, let’s take a closer look at DASH7.

Real-time location systems

It’s open source RFID-standard for wireless sensor networking. DASH7 was accredited internationally by ISO/IEC. It operates on 433 MHz band, which is licence free and available worldwide. Thanks to low frequency it uses, DASH7 is able to penetrate water and even concrete. On the other hand, the localization accuracy is up to 1 meter, whereas an object can be tracked from the distance of 2 kilometers. If we add that low input current of typical tag configurations may allow battery powering on coin cell or thin film batteries for up to 10 years. Now you should know why this protocol was of an interest of the army 🙂

“DASH7 is a great technology which can be used to build real-time location systems. It’s very accurate, consumes little energy and allows for building mesh networks. In terms of technical parameters, DASH7 exceeds other currently used protocols.” – says D.Eng. Michał Grabia, Head of the Identification Technologies Laboratory and head of the EPC/RFID research field at the Institute of Logistics and Warehousing (ILiM)

DASH7  to support and maintain crowded events

Since DASH7 was published open-source, we have come to the conclusion that there is a big potential in the protocol for “civil” needs, especially in the domain of location services. Espeo Software, together with the Institute of Logistics and Warehousing proposed a project’s idea to build the real-time location system to support and maintain crowded events. The goal is to propose a solution intended to work efficiently in every environment, with a wide range and long term of operation, providing precise data about localization of mass event attendees. Building on localization information and big data processing we may provide tools for communication, including emergency calls, and many others on-demand services for participants, organizers and public services.

Building smart cities

Our project idea was presented on ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking events in Vienna and Brussels. So far, we got an interest from research units and companies from Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic and Finland. The feedback we got is that there is a big commercial potential in our project idea and it should be implemented. All in all, DASH7 may not only be useful on the battlefield, but may also help building smart cities and allow for better mobility of modern societies.

author: Dominik Zyskowski

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